Training Tips

Articles by Eric Torres

The articles presented here are for the education and enjoyment of the Systema community. The writers are solely responsible for the content and such content may not completely reflect the views of Russian Martial Art Systema by Vladimir Vasiliev. Any training conducted by you is at your sole risk.

Eric Torres is a certified instructor under Vladimir Vasiliev, teaching regular classes and private sessions at Systema HQ Toronto. He has over 20 years of martial arts experience, including Taekwondo, Karate, Judo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Western Boxing and MMA, competed in regional and provincial levels.

Eric holds a Masters degree in social work and has done extensive work with homelessness, addictions, mental health of youth and seniors, autism, special needs, young offenders and reintegration.
Systema Training Eric Torres

Systema and Autism

by Eric Torres Published: February 08, 2016

A few months ago, I was approached by a parent at our school with an interest for his son to learn more about Systema through private classes. The child has a diagnosis of autism, which is a neurological disorder affecting mainly social and sensory skills. To start off, the purpose of this article is to offer some of my tips and advice that I have found work well with my young student. Autism is a Spectrum Disorder ASD, which means that all ASD people experience difficulties in their behavior and social interactions at varying degrees. […]
