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Shipping and handling fees:
Individual items:
Within USA or Canada $7.00 for the first item, plus $2.00 for each additional item.
All other destinations $15.00 for the first item, plus $8.00 for each additional item.

Package Deals:
Prices vary depending on the package.
3 DVD combo package within USA or Canada $11, all other destinations $31
5 DVD combo package within USA or Canada $15, all other destinations $39
7 DVD combo package within USA or Canada $19, all other destinations $50
10 DVD combo package within USA or Canada $25, all other destinations $80
Complete film package within USA or Canada $50, all other destinations $105

Accessory items:
Reduced shipping - USA and Canada $4
All other locations $9
When an accessory item is included with any other item, there is no additional shipping charge.

How are the orders shipped:
Canada Post
US Post will complete the delivery for US customers

How long does it take to receive the order:
The orders are normally processed within 1 to 5 business days.
During sales and new product releases, additional processing time may be required.

Shipping itself usually takes from 10 to 14 business days within USA and Canada.
Overseas destinations have a choice of surface delivery which takes approximately 4-8 weeks, or airmail delivery which takes approximately 2 weeks. Additional fees apply for overseas airmail shipping. The shopping cart will calculate the amount based on the order size.

Delays may occur depending on clearing customs and your local post office.

Latin America, Mexico, Africa and Southeast Asia:
Add $25 for shipping to the following countries: Latin America, Mexico, Africa and Southeast Asia, due to package tracking requirements.

The shopping cart will do the calculations for you at the time of your check out.


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