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The Russian System Guidebook
The original version is in my top 10 favorite books on martial arts so I had to get the expanded,enhanced version. by Borngod Allah, November 29, 2018 The knowledge and wisdom shared in this book definitely gives you a great understanding of The System.
Even if you don't practice this art in particular, the information presented here is priceless and a great add on to whatever art you enjoy.
T... [read more>>>]
The Russian System Guidebook (e-book)
I've had the original book in my briefcase ever since it was first published. by Vincent Giordano, November 28, 2018 It's highlighted all over the place. This is a book that needs to be in your library as a foundational work. Many of the insights briefly discussed in all of Vladimir's videos and instructions are spelled out fully in this work. This is a book you w... [read more>>>]
EDGE: Secrets of the Russian Blade Masters
A truly comprehensive guide to the reality of the blade! by Pete Rogers, November 28, 2018
Edge is a combination of years of practical experience and knowledge, presented in terms and skill development methods that will prepare you for dangerous events.
An excellent addition to any library on combatives and fighting, this will enhance... [read more>>>]
Instructor Workshop (MP4)
As usual, Mikhail's approach to training and interacting with people is different physically and psychologically. by JP Falcone, November 30, 2018
A pleasure to watch and lots to learn!... [read more>>>]
From Relaxation to Power (downloadable)
In this film Ryo Onishi of Systema Osaka and Systema Japan gives viewers an excellent insight into Internal Work giving us the opportunity to understand in more depth the kind of work that Mikhail Ryabko shows. by Brett Adams, November 30, 2018 This is a true gem that everyone can greatly benefit from and be inspired by. I can't recommend it enough.... [read more>>>]
It was very informative to see the Relaxation to Power idea applied through so many training points – from simple exercises to effective ground work and strong punches, unexpected to the partner. by William Vandruff, November 09, 2018
It was nicely shown how to locate areas of tension and how not to overpower the opponents physically and yet, easily overcome their resistance.
Great job, Ryo!
... [read more>>>]