First, I would like to thank the Systema store team: they contacted me by email to double check a detail in my order and they shipped the product immediately after my reply.
by jm toucas, April 12, 2016
I placed my order the 4th and received my Whip the 12th, which is extremely fast since I am living in Toulouse, France (I learn Systema in the the association lead my Cam Bros, Yann and David, who are nice guys that communicate their passion for Systema).
About the object: when I unpacked it, I just realized that we are living in a world where we are surrounded by plastic or polycarbonate objects. Of course, smartphone, tablets etc. are great tools, but we forget what is "real" material. The whip is 100% natural material, and it is just amazing nowadays!
To be honest, I wanted a Cossack Whip mainly because it is just such an iconic Systema object. I plan to do some drills for developing the feeling of wave, and of course as a "massage" tool (but the whip is really a strong and though object, so I guess I am going to use it carefully).
But there is a "problem": my wife, who has no interest at all in martial arts, but likes hand-crafted objects, finds the whip absolutely "cute" and now she wants to expose it in the showcase in the living room with other crafted objects we collect when we travel!
Just to say how much the Cossack Whip is a nice object.

The Cossack whip can be psychologically intimidating when you first look at them but the healing and restorative benefits were felt long after the massage experience was delivered.
by Carlos Guzman, February 26, 2014
It worked with my fear of getting whipped. The pain threshold subsided immediately after I applied proper breathing and relaxed. Afterwards I felt jolts of energy through my body and felt relaxation with no tension on my shoulders. You have to go through the experience; words do not do justice. Highly recommended.
Cossack Whip
by igor ponizov, May 30, 2012
Always keep this whip at work ,helps me to beat tiredness and stress,by working with my shoulders.
I just got my Cossack Whip a few days ago and I love it.
by Ross Kaplan, November 23, 2006
It is all business from handle to tip. The workmanship and quality of the leather is superb.
It is easily carried, or concealed in a jacket, knapsack, shopping bag, briefcase, etc.
If you hike or walk your dog you need to carry one with you.
It can also be used gently as a therapeutic healing tool.
As a defensive tool, it is one of the few weapons that can provide various levels of force at distances ranging from up close to five or six feet.
From a psychological standpoint, it carries a lot of shock and surprise value as no one expects to face a whip nowadays.
It is simple, elegant, timeless, low maintainence, and won't jam or need to be resharpened.
I feel truly priviledged and grateful to have one.
It is a work of art that carries the spirit of Systema.
I thank all at Systema Headquarters for making the Cossack Whip available.
I got this whip from MR during my first seminar in London 2004.
by Sharon Friedman, July 09, 2006
He was generous and played with me and the whip for about half an hour showing me basics of directing, hitting with all parts of the whip, chocking and lots more. It is a good lesson on how to move naturally and not feeling too sory for yourself. My whip has been in use almost everyday and in the army too and it still performs and looks brand new.
A few pointers:
Hit the outer side of the heel joint.
strike the solar plexus with the butt of the handle.
Rotate your arm and glide on the whip as you are redirecting a hit on you.
Both ends can be handled.
It fits perfectly in the sleeve.
Do no harm.