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From Relaxation to Power (MP4)
2 customer reviews

From Relaxation to Power (MP4)

$29.95 $19.95
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on disk - MP4 format
Plays on all computers and newer models of DVD players

by Ryo Onishi, head instructor of Systema Osaka, with over 10 years of extensive Systema experience, training regularly with both Systema founders, Mikhail Ryabko and Vladimir Vasiliev.

In this unique production, Ryo Onishi lead a class at Systema HQ Toronto school. He demonstrated ways to free up the body from tension and turn that tension into power.

Tension in the body can be accumulated and redirected to gain power of strikes and pushes, unexpected to the partner.

Ryo explains and shows that you do not have to take the freedom of others to expand your own.

Ryo’s presentation is very thorough with step-by-step directions and clear drills.

Running time 59 min

Customer Reviews
In this film Ryo Onishi of Systema Osaka and Systema Japan gives viewers an excellent insight into Internal Work giving us the opportunity to understand in more depth the kind of work that Mikhail Ryabko shows.
by Brett Adams, November 30, 2018
This is a true gem that everyone can greatly benefit from and be inspired by. I can't recommend it enough.
It was very informative to see the Relaxation to Power idea applied through so many training points – from simple exercises to effective ground work and strong punches, unexpected to the partner.
by William Vandruff, November 09, 2018
It was nicely shown how to locate areas of tension and how not to overpower the opponents physically and yet, easily overcome their resistance.

Great job, Ryo!

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