Up until now, I really didn't think there was a martial art that honestly addressed the topic.
by martin laverdiere, June 28, 2011
This DVD is absolutely incredible. I learned more from watching this in 90 minutes than I did in 10 years of Karate. This stuff really works. Incredible! Bravo!
The latest DVD, 'Beat the Odds', is by far one of the best RMA DVDs I have purchased to date.
by Nicholas Davies, July 26, 2009
What can I say? Excellent! If any DVD sums up the principles of the style, it’s this one. The reason for this is the content - pure and simple.
I’ve always thought that RMA has been at its most effective when the practitioner works against multiple opponents, the reason for this being that the pressure of fending off more than one attacker means that you have to keep moving – and movement, along with breathing, are key to this style. This has always struck me as being particularly acute when engaging in defence against multiple attacks from the opponents whilst training at my club, because of you don’t move you get taken out. This soon teaches you very rapidly about the importance of applying this key principle!
Vladimir manages to demonstrate this effectively in the DVD. He begins with the basics of body movement in the style, demonstrating first the concept of ‘escape’ then building this up to show how the opponents’ movement and energy can be used effectively against them so as to redirect their lines of attack, preferably against each other! This then further evolves to include defence against weapons as well as empty hand attacks. It’s always a pleasure to watch this type of work where Vladimir is concerned, especially when sticks are involved!
Many of the exercises demonstrated are particularly illuminating, particularly the multiple punch exercise whereby each partner in turn strikes the next in a free-flowing manner. This is another useful aid to help the student learn how to receive as well as give strikes.
All-in-all, I found ‘Beat the Odds’ to be one of the most enjoyable I have ever seen. I would recommend this as a priority purchase for anyone who is new to the style and wants to find out a little more about how it works, because, to be honest, you don’t get a better demonstration of Systema versatility than in this DVD!
Nick Davies

Multiple attackers are a true test of your combat skills and very few martial arts address this as effectively as Systema.
by Ray Hardy, June 21, 2009
In fact, it would be unusual to face just one opponent on the street as lowlifes usually hunt in packs. Yet again Vladimir demonstrates his exceptional skills and shows you how to overcome the challenges that come when fighting multiple opponents.
This DVD is a must have for all martial artists and you will feel sorry for the guys in the DVD
(I did!) as they are taught by Vladimir over and over again that being alone in a fight doesn't necessarily mean you are at a disadvantage.
Watching Vladimir work in this DVD is like watching a master chef.
by David Orman, May 29, 2009
Every ingredient has a purpose. Nothing is ever wasted. When blended together, the end result is a whole tasty dish.
In the case of this DVD, every movement has a purpose and Vladimir has an incredible gift for blending the attackers into a "whole;" that is, 3 attackers are treated as one unit. Movements are continual, flowing and powerful. The one characteristic that strikes me about this is that there is never any doubt who is in control. Vladimir's knack for maintaining poise despite the variety of attacks and number of attackers is most impressive.
All of Systema's main principles are expertly demonstrated in this DVD -- structure, movement, relaxation and breathing. Regardless of the number of attackers and positions of the attacks, precise movement is taught to avoid, evade and engage at the right moment.
The quality of the DVD is excellent (sound, lighting, angles etc.). Mostly, the teaching is why people purchase DVDs in general and the level of detailed instruction is top notch. From basic drills to more advanced movements, this DVD is a must for every Systema practitioner and anyone who wants to learn how to defend themselves against multiple attackers.

One of the BEST titles I have seen on dealing with multiple attackers.
by John Tunney, May 13, 2009
Really shows the movement and relaxation essential to proper Systema, congratulations on another great DVD!
If anyone can teach you to fight and defend yourself like Wolferine it is this man.
by Edward Harcourt, May 11, 2009
Valdimir shows you all the core basics to giving punks and preditors the wracking ball treatment they so love and need to appreciate.
Valdimir teaches you how to become a total wracking machine and how to be relaxed at the same time so you can take time out to slip an afternoon latte and smell the roses in the park all while you bitch slap them to the pavement.
In this video Valdimir is giving the wracking ball treatment to three very fit strong men half his age and you can see those young men this give him repect from the expressions of pain and surprise on their faces.Basically anyone foolish enough to take on this man in a real fight would be riding the shit your pants rolling coster ride of busted teeth and broken bones.
I got this video last week,I have watched it about 10 times so far.EXCELLINTE or in Russian Hor-Ra-Show
However if you did not get the hand to hand video get that one as well because he picks up from there.

Thank you for the DVD Vladimir.
by Thong Nguyen, April 25, 2009
I've spent a lifetime studying many arts which purports to teach combat against multiple attackers yet turn out to be little more than un-realistic concepts and theories which require a vivid imagination and compliant "opponent" to succeed. Vladimir deals only with the most realistic scenarios and un-predictable attacks which would serve well in a real situation. The instruction build up on this DVD is excellent as he walks the viewer thoroughly through each phase of the encounter: preparation, pre-emption, contact and resolution. Somehow he manages to squeeze in escapes from multiple weapons, multiple grabs, strike/fear removal along with recycling pain into a more productive outcome.
In an era where sequels are often disappointing, it's nice to see someone capable of out-doing himself. This quality makes Vladimir's Systema truly unique; his ability to overcome challenges in order to create harder ones to surmount keeps him fresh and constantly growing.

Vladimir's best yet I think.
by Rob Poyton, April 17, 2009
For one it's on a topic that is so rarely covered in martial arts, yet is so common in real life - no-one attacks you one at a time while their friends stand and watch. Secondly it has some great explanations alongside the drills. And number three Vladimir's work is immaculate and a pleasure to watch!
Facing multiple attackers is the nightmare of most martial artists or anybody else for that matter.
by Koen Vandersteene, April 16, 2009
These assaults often escalate and Vladimir’s techniques give you a solid basis to counter the wolf pack mentality with its multiple angles and levels of attack.
Usually you don’t have time to think about the situation so it is necessary to experiment with it now in your training. And that is exactly what this dvd is for. It gives you possibilities, drills and tools. It teaches how to anticipate, strike precisely and preemptively, move and evade fluidly and constantly without tension no matter what is thrown at you.
Everything is simple, short, fast and as usual very effective.
Beat the Odds (DVD)
by Jason Padly, April 07, 2009
An excellent training tool regardless of your martial arts experience, this is a must for anyone wishing to study what is takes to break multiple attacks.