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Systema EXCELLENCE seminar (DVD)
10 customer reviews
Stealth Striking by Mikhail Ryabko
Internal Control by Konstantin Komarov

Systema founder, Colonel Mikhail Ryabko, famous for his unsurpassed punches, reveals, demonstrates and explains Stealth Striking, the types of strikes that are unnoticeable to the opponent. Amazingly, his fist calmly comes up, clearly visible to all the participants of the seminar, and to the camera, yet remains unseen to his partner every time. A fascinating lesson on distance, positioning, muscle control and eliminating the perception of threat.

A top Systema Specialist, Major Konstantin Komarov, PhD in Combat Psychology, gives a fascinating presentation on developing the mindset to understand fear, pain, stress, shock and death, to control emotions, movements and confrontations. Enjoy dynamic explanations of the Systema principles and apply them directly to survive and prevail.

Includes bonus footage from Systema Camp 2010 on masterful knife disarming and fighting in the water.

For our Russian speaking viewers:
All explanations in this film are in both languages - English and Russian.

Все обьяснения в фильме - сохранены и на русском, и на английском языках.

2 hours 35 min. 16:9 WIDESCREEN

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Customer Reviews
Systema EXCELLENCE seminar (DVD)
by Eric Sander Kingston, June 09, 2016
Truth - When Less Is More Than Enough

Written For & Inspired By: Mikhail Ryabko

Many believe they need more and more and more to succeed in life
And in combat

But truly…

Having all the answers is not enough
One must apply the solutions

Knowing all the techniques is not enough
One must understand the inner movements

Seeking the right path is not enough
One must become that which they seek

In the mirror of truth there is an illusion of reflection

The real opponent to truth hides within


When you see the question contains the answer
When you see the path leads only back to your self
When you are able to learn from the essence of your own self

You will seek less and less and less
You will Understand the Great Mystery
You will grasp the way of the true masters
And then

Your successes will be simple


Less will be more
Than enough
I really enjoyed this DVD, the explanations and demonstrations were just amazing.
by Sharath Somasundaram, April 05, 2011
Very informative and to the point.
"Each DVD is an ongoing conversation between teacher and student, each teaching progresses all other teachings" says Mikhail at the end of his session.
by Paul McCaughey, January 18, 2011
When you watch and listen to Mikhail Ryabko and Konstantin Komarov talking to each of us about the nature of Systema, you will look at your work and all the other DVDs you watch with greater insight.
Mikhail will show you correct distance for Stealth Striking, determined by how tension grows in the opponent. This is the beginning of becoming accountable as you work with someone else. Mikhail's methods address your mental attitude while you form a punch and how your movement through space will either signal to the opponent that you are coming, or catch him unaware. Stealth strikes are not trick punches, but the sleight of hand that comes from understanding what not to do, and how to veil your work in normalcy and stillness.
Mikhail demonstrates many approaches to striking. He shows typical errors and how the opponent reacts defensively, and then, how to do it right. He raises his fist and asks, "Am I irritating you?" the evidence of which is obvious in his opponent's body language. Mikhail doesn't dwell on any technique, rather, he shows a process and from there many variations would be possible.
I was moved by the way he meets the admiration of his students with a sincere humility. "The rumors of my mastery are greatly exaggerated", he says with a smile and a laugh, after which he apologizes for any mistakes he might have made. Brilliant and down to earth are very compelling characteristics in a teacher, but this is also how he teaches us to practice Systema.
Konstantin follows Mikhail with a narrative on Internal Control that looks deeply into the process of being a Systema practitioner and how to be accountable to yourself for the state of your body and mind, both on and off the practice floor. Konstantin addresses the way in which a Systema practitioner deliberately flexes his psyche by exploring both fear and pain. He uncovers how pain grows in ones imagination as fear and how to work towards cleaning these illusions away through the process of taking strikes. "We get rid of our baggage. Systema is freedom"
Konstantin explains how Systema has no database of moves or positions like many martial arts. "The psyche loves details and tricks and it fragments the whole." Systema practice is continuous movement, whereby a practitioner sifts for the feeling of moving correctly and painstakingly builds the somatic memory of that state in each new situation. He encourages us to exploit every partner in the room and to account for all challenges we encounter as our own. "In Systema, we move towards a state of wholeness everyday."
Konstantin would have us appreciate working through the basics in Systema, as the process through which we come to examine all of our restrictive patterns and limitations, both physical and psychological. He said something quite beautiful to me at the seminar in answer to a personal question about slow push-ups. He said, "The body is a lens through which you are now looking at yourself. Systema practices increase the focus."
Konstantin sums his reflections up by describing the learning spiral of Systema being helical, ever spiraling upward, crossing the same point on the circle of learning in new higher and sometimes extraordinary ways. "It all begins with the decision to do Systema, but then one has to decide again and again". Just decide to study this DVD and I guarantee you'l watch it again and again.
i already whatched new dvd "Excellence" with Konstantin & Mikhail.
by Emmanuel Meignein, January 10, 2011
it's really a great explained dvd. it's very interesting to heard about the knowledge of the body and human being and understand what's being the fight !!! i feel it, understand & agree with simple principles that are as Konstantin said the most difficult to experienced !!!
Finished watching "Systema Excellence" and that's just what it was, excellent.
by Eric Kin, January 09, 2011
A must for anyone wanting to have a deeper understanding of the internal workings of mind and body mechanics.
Systema EXCELLENCE seminar (DVD)
by Eric Kingston, December 19, 2010
The Secret of the True Warrior

Written for Mikhail Ryabko

The true warrior allows others to shine
And he himself is enlightened

The true warrior gives and restores
And he himself is made full

The true warrior shares of his knowledge
And he himself finds brothers and sisters along the sacred way

The true warrior knows that all arts are to be taught for spiritual wisdom
And they are to be shared so that others may understand the higher way upon the sacred Path of life

Because the true warrior is a spiritual warrior

He knows that all people are but mirrors of himself
He knows that the greatest struggle is within his own heart
He knows that the greatest ignorance is within his own mind
He knows that the greatest victory is not achieved in defeating another through combat
But from overcoming the illusion that there is a difference between us at all

For he knows there is certain point

The center of all centers

Where ALL paths and art merge into one
And this is the true warriors greatest secret

In a single breath

He Understands

That ALL opposites

Having participated in the Systema Excellence Seminar, watching the first part of the video, Stealth Striking by Mikhail Ryabko, unabled me to review and appreciate the depth of information transmited by the Teacher in an open, humane, and healthy way.
by Antonio Lampreia, December 14, 2010
Of course to be in his presence is a little more intimidating than watching the video, Even with his jovial humor and modesty, one can feel the tremenous power of this Teacher. Mikhail's insight shared in this video if studied in depth, gives enough information to create a whole Martial Art. I`m looking foward to watching the second part of this film, Internal Control by Konstantin Komarov.

With respect and gratitude,
Antonio Lampreia
This is what impressed me in Mikhail Ryabko's STEALTH STRIKING.
by Major Konstantin Komarov, December 11, 2010
Simplicity and originality of approach to short and invisible strikes.
We are so used to standard thinking. With punches, we expect visible application of force. While Mikhail showed work that is so fine and subtle psychologically, subtle to such an extend that until it is explained it cannot be grasped.
I tried this work myself at the recent seminar in Kiev and I was easily able to apply this unique approach. Moreover, all serious Systema practitioners at the seminar were very successful at implementing it. No studying of complicated patterns or memorization was required, it was more like some routine understanding had to flip in the mind and it became clear how to strike this way.
Just a great movie!
by Mike Floyd, November 29, 2010
Thanks for the huge amount of information.
This is what I liked about Systema Excellence.
by Alan Reeman, November 29, 2010
Its very serious content, makes you think and look at martial arts in a new way.

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