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The existing store will remain open during the transition period, so you will still have access to your downloadable films and e-books at: http://www.russianmartialart.com/catalog/
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Thank you for your patience. See you at the new store!

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    Product Name   Price 
 KNIFE Unconditional Mastery with Spanish Subtitles (downloadable in 2 parts*)  KNIFE Unconditional Mastery with Spanish Subtitles (downloadable in 2 parts*) 

 With Spanish Subtitles Translated by Bratzo Barrena This GRAND production by Vladimir Vasiliev is your complete guide to knife training, it presents a new vision of knife work. You will ...  more>>> 
 New York Seminars with Spanish Subtitles (downloadable)  New York Seminars with Spanish Subtitles (downloadable) 

 With Spanish Subtitles Translated by Bratzo Barrena Ground Control and Knife Defense - Systema Classic Series by Vladimir Vasiliev of Russian Special Operations Unit This dynamic ...  more>>> 
 Legends of Systema with Spanish Subtitles (downloadable)  Legends of Systema with Spanish Subtitles (downloadable) 

 With Spanish Subtitles Translated by Bratzo Barrena Systema founders and chief instructors, Mikhail Ryabko and Vladimir Vasiliev, come together in this historic event for a grand and diverse ...  more>>> 
 Punches, Kicks, and Multiple Opponents with Spanish Subtitles (downloadable)  Punches, Kicks, and Multiple Opponents with Spanish Subtitles (downloadable) 

 With Spanish Subtitles Translated by Bratzo Barrena by Vladimir Vasiliev of Russian Special Operations Unit Switzerland, 2005 Abundant information and phenomenal skill. This film is ...  more>>> 
 Multiple Attackers with Spanish subtitles (downloadable)  Multiple Attackers with Spanish subtitles (downloadable) 

 With Spanish Subtitles Translated by Bratzo Barrena by Vladimir Vasiliev of Russian Special Operations Unit Surrounded. Confronted with multiple attackers. You need to be ready physically ...  more>>> 
 Crowd with Spanish Subtitles (downloadable)  Crowd with Spanish Subtitles (downloadable) 

 With Spanish Subtitles Translated by Bratzo Barrena by Konstantin Komarov Two dangers are intrinsic to a crowd: - Destructive physical impact - Brute psychological pressure Major ...  more>>> 
 Instructor Workshop (downloadable)  Instructor Workshop (downloadable) 

 Essential study material for sharing Systema with others and for gaining deeper knowledge. In this exclusive 2003 workshop, Systema founder, Mikhail Ryabko, presents the theory and practice of ...  more>>> 
 Knife in a Fight with Spanish subtitles (downloadable)  Knife in a Fight with Spanish subtitles (downloadable) 

 With Spanish Subtitles Translated by Bratzo Barrena Knife attacks in a real fight are the most fierce, high-speed and terrifying. These assaults mostly blast unexpectedly and are horrific to ...  more>>> 
 FRAPPES  La rencontre de l’âme et du corps <br>(e-book)  FRAPPES La rencontre de l’âme et du corps

 Par Vladimir Vasiliev avec Scott Meredith Traduit par Alexandre Jeanette Cet e-book est disponible aux formats EPUB et MOBI. Choisissez votre format après la description ...  more>>> 
 Respiration Systema (téléchargement en Franҫais)  Respiration Systema (téléchargement en Franҫais) 

 par Vladimir Vasiliev Découvrez les secrets des maîtres Breath russes à travers le cours complet d'exercices d'entraînement de souffle. Mouvements faciles, les tactiques de respiration ...  more>>> 

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