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Systema Strikes (downloadable in 2 parts*)
Systema Strikes (downloadable in 2 parts*)

  I guess I did not purchase it initially as the cover looked to be in Japanese.
by Bobby Schwartz, December 14, 2017
But that was a big mistake on my part, it is actually in English with Japanese translations. As I'm understanding Systema more, every sentence Vladimir said on that DVD has been an eye opener. In a word, the DVD is great. I hope everyone get... [read more>>>]

GOLPES: El Alma se Conecta al Cuerpo (e-book)
GOLPES: El Alma se Conecta al Cuerpo (e-book)

  Como practicante de artes marciales por 35 años y como agente federal de los Estados Unidos he tenido la oportunidad de practicar con grandes artistas marcials en diferentes partes del mundo.
by Agente Especial de la DEA, October 18, 2017
Vladimir Vasiliev es sin duda alguna uno de los mejores exponentes de la ciencia y arte del combate cuerpo a cuerpo. Este libro es su regalo a todos los amantes de esta ciencia.... [read more>>>]

  No hay palabras suficientes para explicar el tremendo valor, sustancia y don que nos da Vladimir Vasiliev en su libro GOLPES el alma se conecta al cuerpo.
by Eric Torres, October 18, 2017
Este libro va más allá de lo físico y lo mental. GOLPES es un libro que nos ayuda a abrir nuestros ojos a una nueva forma de golpear y incluso nos da la habilidad de curarnos a nosotros mismos y a un asaltante. GOLPES no se trata solo de pu... [read more>>>]

  Que gran oportunidad para que la comunidad hispana tenga acceso a un libro que contiene toda una vida de conocimiento.
by Kenny Gonzalez, October 18, 2017
¡Un libro que puede transformar tu vida, escrito por un maestro humilde y amable!... [read more>>>]

Knife Master Class (DVD)
Knife Master Class (DVD)

  I have seen the disk and compliment you on this great release.
by Denis Michele, September 11, 2017
It was very nice to see (quality of production) and easy to follow (quality of instruction), plus numerous familiar voices and faces present have gifted me a beautiful evening in a nice company. Thanks a lot from all my heart!... [read more>>>]

  Dealing with a knife isn’t always as perfect as we would like it to be, there is rarely a person lunging directly or showing us their movement, and in reality it can be very difficult to predict how an attack will come.
by Yoni Olin, August 30, 2017
Sometimes attacks can come from different directions, while on the ground, and without even being able to see them. This DVD teaches how to move properly against a knife from any direction or position whether it is seen or not, all while remaining c... [read more>>>]

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